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There are currently 20 terms in this directory beginning with the letter S.
SAE Specifications
A set of materials specification issued by the Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.

Sample Casting
A casting made from a pattern produced in a production die to check the accuracy of dimensions and quality of castings that will be made.

Sand Casting
Metal castings produced in sand molds.

Sand inclusions
Cavities or surface imperfections on a casting caused by sand washing into the mold cavity.

Sand Reclamation
Processing used sand grains into usable forms so that they can be used in the casting process as a replacement for new sand.

All non-product metal produced during the casting process.

The process of separating the solidified casting from the mold material..

Shear Strength
Maximum shear stress a material is capable of withstanding without failure.

Shell Molding
Bringing a resin-bonded sand mixture into contact with a pre-heated metal pattern to form a mold.

Shell Process
The process in which clay-free silica sand coated with a thermostatic resin or mixed with resin is placed on a heated metal pattern for a short period of time to form a partially hardened shell. The bulk of the sand mixture inside the resulting shell is removed for further use. The pattern and shell are heated further to harden or polymerize the resin-sand mix, and the shell is removed from the pattern. Frequently, shell cores are made using this process.

A process for cleaning castings that involves using a metal abrasive that is propelled by centrifugal or air force. See also Rotoblasting.

Shrink Hole
A cavity that forms in a metal part when there was not enough source metal fed into the mold during the casting process.

Shrink Rule
A device used by pattern makers. It appears to be a regular ruler, but the graduations are oversized to make up for the shrink in the metal poured. Shrink rules are specific to the metal being cast, due to different metal having different shrink rates.

The contraction of metal in the mold during solidification. The term also is used to describe the casting defect, such as shrinkage cavity, which results from poor design, insufficient metal feed or inadequate feeding.

Removing or hold back dirt or slag from the surface of the molten metal before or during pouring.

A film that forms on top of molten metal as a result of impurities. Slag is composed of non-metal elements.

Slag Inclusions
Imperfections of the surface of metal caused by slag (impurities in the molten mix).

The watery mixture such as the gypsum mixture for plaster molding, the molding medium used for investment casting, core dips, and mold washes.

The opening in the mold where the metal is first poured.

Stress, Relieving
A heat treatment to reduce residual stresses followed by sufficiently slow cooling to minimize development of new residual stresses.