506 Rosamond, Houston TX, 713-695-4008

Specializing only in Aluminum, Brass & Bronze Alloys


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There are currently 4 terms in this directory beginning with the letter B.
Backing sand
Aluminum Association alloy designation number.

Binders are added to mold materials in order to create a mold of sufficient hardness. Binders can be either organic or inorganic materials.

Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc; the proportions of zinc and copper can be varied to create a range of brasses with varying properties.

Bronze is principally an alloy of copper and tin. Bronze does not necessarily contain tin, and a variety of alloys of copper, including alloys with arsenic, phosphorus, aluminum, manganese, and silicon, are commonly termed “bronze”. The term is applied to a variety of brasses and the distinction is largely historical.