Alloys Cast
Coastal Foundry casts many different blends of Aluminum Alloys and Copper Based Alloys such as Brass and Bronze. For a complete look at all of Coastal Foundry Company’s alloys cast and production procedures, click below for an easy over view with images and videos all relating to the high quality castings Coastal Foundry can produce for you.

Aluminum Alloys Cast
Capabilities: One ounce to 600 lbs
356.1 Secondary
356.1 T6
A356.2 Primary
A356.2 T6
535.2 (Almag)
713 (Tenzaloy™)

Click to View Aluminum Alloy Specifications
Copper Based Alloys | Brass and Bronze Alloys Cast
Capabilities: One ounce to 160 lbs *Copper based Alloys*
86300 Mg Bronze
87800 Si Bronze
92200 Navy M, Leaded Tin Bronze
95500 Al Bronze 9D
95200 Al Bronze 9A
95400 Al Bronze 9C
99700 Tombasil

Click to View Copper Alloy Specifications

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